In over thirty years of my knowing Dr. SaLee' Amina, I can say, with absolute certainty, that she is above and beyond the normal, average, or ordinary, in so many ways; but, perhaps more so in her extraordinary positive, respectful, respectable, honorable, honest and exemplary behavior (even in the face of her having endured extreme challenges, obstacles, barriers, impediments, and bias.) 

I first met her when I was a contractor in the medical field with the United States Department of Defense. She was engaged in negotiating very high-level international contracts, which were staggering in their size and importance, yet, she was (and still is) amazingly down-to-earth and respectful towards everyone, from the highest to the lowest stations in life, oblivious to their level of success, stature, career or monetary prowess. She treated every person with polite dignity, compassion, caring concern, generosity, and a continual positive attitude, with an extraordinary (and quite constant) sense of humor. 

I know her to have achieved accomplishments that are absolutely amazing, even beyond extraordinary. Yet, there is nothing pompous, arrogant, egocentric or ethnocentric in her nature. She impresses me as one who genuinely embraces humanity as one "family of man." I have known her to dedicate her valuable and limited time to helping others, which she seems to consider as important an activity as anything in her career; and I have seen her go the extra mile, again and again, to demonstrate true compassion, sincere kindness and brotherly love of all of mankind that I have frankly never seen to such a degree in others. 

I know that she usually succeeded beyond that of people in the typical work day world, but never did I hear her brag or put others down. If anything, she continually encourages, inspires, and commends people in every way she can find an opportunity in her life. In fact, I personally have found her to be an immense inspiration to me. I learn from her so much, and she is very generous with her willingness to share information, knowledge, and insight; and to point out accomplishments, choosing to often commend and reward, rather than criticize or punish. 

Having known her well, in business, and as a casual (totally non-romantic) friend, I saw her confront barriers that would have stopped any normal person, and surely would have made any average person give up. But, she simply never gives up and never gets retaliatory, revengeful or bitter. She has ‘the right stuff’ that seems to only be typical in brave heroes and great leaders. Her capacity for gratitude and her demonstration of concern and appreciation for others in uncanny and rare. 

I am personally aware of very severe challenges she has overcome. For example, after being administered a medication that was prescribed by her doctor, she ended up partially paralyzed from it, having to ambulate in a motorized wheelchair, unable to even write or hold a spoon during years of her 

life, while she never sought sympathy, and still continued her positive activities, despite the medical impairment. She did not file a lawsuit, but instead, researched and developed natural remedies that to this day have saved several lives. In fact, while seekinga cure for Rhabdomyolysis and Multiple Sclerosis and congestive heart failure (all of which she successfully treated), she discovered natural remedies that contribute to healthy longevity. Anyone who knows her sees a woman who appears half her age, with boundless enthusiasm and positive attitude. (One of her multiple careers was as a consulting bio-technology engineer, although her main careers were in investment, finance, negotiating and diplomacy. She studied Economics at Harvard University (as an “A” student, Political Science and Government at University of California, Mass Media at California State University and various subjects at other colleges, nationally and internationally; while she also lectured and taught at the college, high school, elementary and pre-school levels. 

Perhaps insight is her character is shown by the fact that her first jobs were as a junior counselor at a camp for the intellectually impaired and disabled students, while she volunteered at a home for the elderly. This was followed by her working throughout her self-financed education, and her having procured positions of prestige, power and financial prowess at an early age. 

But, maybe the single-most irrefutable proof of her dedication to integrity as being greatly senior to seeking financial reward is exemplified by the fact that despite repeatedly being offered her earned and deserved commissions on multi-million and multi-billion dollar contracts, she always insisted on waiving any of the ten percent commissions offered to her, maintaining that she is paid to do a job, and she is committed to doing it to the best of her ability and to the highest satisfaction of all sides concerned. 

It is worth noting that the last commission that Dr. SaLee’ Amina waived was for an approximately two hundred and fifty million dollar commission (on a $2.5 Billion dollar international contract between an Arabian Gulf country and a major US manufacturer.) I have yet to meet even one person who is that honest, that loyal, that dedicated, that self-less and that humble as is someone who devotedly worked on a salary (much of which she donated to charity,) while ignoring all invitations to showering her with super-wealth. Perhaps it is part of the reason that her clients call her by foreign nick-names that translate to ‘the most trustworthy’ and ‘the most courageous’ and ‘the most un-corruptible.) I feel confident that anyone who actually knows her would agree. 

Also, I know that she has a strong commitment to doing what is right, no matter the cost, consequences or repercussions. I was in close contact with her when she was a whistleblower against public corruption, which caused horrific retaliation against her that would have silenced all but the most courageous people. As a result of her courageous activities, 18 people in very high positions in government, law enforcement and within the judicial system were prosecuted, convicted, sentenced and imprisoned. The retaliatory consequences to her were horrific, but like everything else in her life, she took it on the chin, focused on the positive, and carried forward; with an amazing ability to excel. 

I have known Dr. SaLee’ Amina to be rather famous as being unstoppable, unkillable and uncorruptible. Yet, as with any person who is successful, accomplished, talented or popular, they have their detractors, their enviers and their haters (unfortunately). I have seen her undergo maliciously unfair, unjust, 

wrongful, aggressive, oppressive and malicious actions or insults, intentional false accusations and baseless defamation - only for her to invariably get through it, still standing, and still shining her light on the world; continuing to love and remain positive, despite every good excuse not to. 

I know an author of eight books who dedicated his first book to Dr. SaLee’ Amina, calling her "God's gift to the world,' and I can clearly see why he thought of her that way. 

Most people are out for their own self-preservation, but she is like a dedicated steward to humanity, who gets involved, in her own quiet way, while making huge positive differences in anything and anyone she touches. 

I can refer people to websites about her, which give many specifics, statistics, facts, figures, dates and demonstrative proof of her very many accomplishments. However, any neighbor she has ever had will testify to her gentle kindness, respect for all, consideration and cooperation, as well as her willingness to be there for anyone in need, under stress, in difficult circumstances or having difficulty coping with problems or oppression. 

I am aware of the fact that Dr. SaLee’ Amina spent many years as an Ambassador of Goodwill, which, oddly enough, was assigned to her through representatives of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where she had several investment clients. For a 100% American, with immediate family members who are direct descendants of an actual Founding Father of the United States, our first Secretary of the Treasury and a signatory to the United States Constitution - Alexander Hamilton, this was a very unusual assignment. 

In fact, in 1981, King Khaled of Saudi Arabia issued to Dr. SaLee' Amina the first ever written commendation to either a woman or to an American. Yet, she was raised in Catholic school, and firmly believes in the multi-cultural interconnected shared beliefs of al monotheistic religions and the values inherent in each and every religious theosophy or spiritual philosophy. In fact, she has actively campaigned and advocated for Religious Rights, Human Rights, Gender and Lifestyle Rights and Constitutional and Civil Rights. 

It is interesting to note that after Dr. SaLee’ Amina was hired by the then richest man in the world (the Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos of his day) to handle investments in Europe and America, she concurrently arranged passage to Western countries for those being politically, religiously or civilly oppressively prosecuted, or arrested or in fear for their lives, due to their beliefs, expressed opinions or lifestyles. This literally put her life at risk, since some countries actually kill or imprison people with unpopular political, religious or lifestyle choices or opinions. Her commitment to freedom of expression and a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness is absolute: One of her ongoing campaigns is a commitment to curtailing violations of the Constitutions, state and federal, by our judicial, law enforcement and correctional systems. It is a dangerous game for anyone to play, since the status quo fights hard to keep stable the same bias, unequal treatment under the law and violations of rights which gets carried out by 

the same corrupt, negligent, arrogant or inconsiderate people that sign their paychecks and systems that keep them within a protected circle of power, authority and being perceived as ‘above the law’. 

She has stood strong, against adversity, speaking truth to power, despite personal danger. I am personally aware that she has occasionally been targeted and attacked by a few enviers and malicious haters, some of whom I know had literally committed crimes on her, but she did not prosecute, retaliate or take revenge. Her capacity for tolerance and forgiveness is rather incomparable: She says she prefers to do her own job on earth, and leave the jobs of judgment and revenge to God, who always does a better job at that anyway. 

Dr. SaLee' is a person who never makes excuses or asks for a pat on the back. She is motivated, quite exclusively, by her commitment to personal integrity, which she states is more important to her than even her own life. Having been raised in a military family, she states that she cut her teeth on a 'bootcamp' type regimented childhood, which instilled in her self-discipline, honor and duty that has been a guiding force throughout her life. She has often quoted the advice given to her by her U.S. Marines Training Instructor (Drill Sergeant) father – “There is only one good excuse, that is death, your own! Other than that, if you are still breathing, you must carry on, without whimpering, and end your taking of each hill with simply looking for the next hill to take - whether or not you are riddled with bullets while doing so. “ From all I have seen of Dr. SaLee’ Amina, I believe she lives her father’s advice. 

Incidentally, she also was the recipient of the Gold Medal of Merit from the President of the United States, as well having been garnered with dozens of other honors and commendations. I was personally present when a written commendation was bestowed on her by the Governor of Pennsylvania, who referred to her as (quote) "An active community servant, who has surpassed the highest ideals of citizenship, and who exemplifies a rare caliber of character and leadership." He further described her, stating (quote) "Throughout your accomplished career, you have proven yourself to be an elite and capable leader, innovator, advocate and unifier. You played a vital role in revitalizing your community and have truly made a difference in the lives of countless citizens. You have earned the respect of your colleagues and everyone who has been touched by your work and your civic participation." he also stated, "As Governor, I offer my deepest gratitude and admiration for your devotion to the well-being of your fellow citizens and the community." 

A two-term mayor and City Council Member (in South Lake Tahoe & Truckee, California), the honorable Joshua Susman (who is a former Beverly Hills resident, and former classmate of present B.H. mayor, Lilli Bosse, has also written his praise for SaLee'. He can be contacted for a 'second opinion." 

As for me, I have a degree in Sociology and a Master’s Degree in Psychology, and I have received Proclamations and Commendations from both the legislature of the State of Pennsylvania and the United Nations, as well as a Lifetime Achievement Award for my work in health care. I am daily involved 

in extensive community activities and beneficial programs. As a teacher of music and music therapy, I also wrote the state song for Pennsylvania. As a minister in my church, which is a member of one of the largest congregations in the country, I can say, with confidence, that I absolutely have never met anyone of the caliber and strength of character, with qualities of honor, integrity and honesty of Dr. SaLee' Amina; despite that I have met many great and famous people. Dr. SaLee’ Amina treats others as equals, with dignity and friendliness, as if she is simply a small town 'girl next door,' yet, she is a shining star, in so very many ways. Oddly enough, I am not exaggerating when I say that Dr. SaLee' Amina reminds me of a Joan of Arc, a Mother Theresa and a Martin Luther King, all rolled into one. Documenting Websites about her, which substantiate true facts and proof of her character and accomplishments are: YouTube channel: Salee Amina Signed: David Clark, P.O. Box 151, Monaca, Pennsylvania, 15061